To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Overcoming Psoriasis we recently sat down with the founder -Todd Bello. Overcoming Psoriasis is the largest psoriasis community platform on social media, with a following of over 50, 000 psoriasis warriors.
In this interview, we discuss Todd’s experiences in starting ‘Overcoming Psoriasis’, the biggest challenges and plans for the future.
- When did you realise there was a need for a psoriasis community platform?
I started Overcoming Psoriasis as I felt there was nowhere for people to discuss the disease informally. It was designed to be a safe haven to share photos, thoughts and experiences without judgement.
- What drove you to start a Facebook page and how did you grow ‘Overcoming Psoriasis’ into the page it is today?
Facebook provided a platform to start the support group. From the inception members continued to join and we grew from there. I worked at it every day, making connections through leveraging the page on different platforms like Twitter. I also shared members stories on my blog- and the group spread by word-of-mouth.
- What do you think ‘Overcoming Psoriasis’ offers the community?
Our community offers a peer-to-peer relationships where only members can read and comment. Members help other members with solutions to the everyday challenges of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. It gives our members peace of mind that they are not alone in this struggle.
- What has been your biggest challenge in the 10 years of running ‘Overcoming Psoriasis’?
The biggest challenge has been keeping it a safe and friendly group and of course, blocking spammers.
5. What drives you to continue growing ‘Overcoming Psoriasis’?
I think the most rewarding thing is that people are willing to open-up and are comfortable sharing their difficulties living with our disease. That inspires me most. Also, I think the group has been good at disbanding the myths and misconceptions about psoriasis. Psoriasis isn't contagious, and the world needs to understand that.
- We are currently in Psoriasis Awareness Month, why do you feel it’s important to draw awareness to psoriasis?
Psoriasis is one of the oldest autoimmune diseases dating back to biblical days. It's also the most prevalent, affecting 2 to 3 percent of the population. Only recently have scientists been able to identify the genes responsible for our disease. Better treatments need to be discovered and become available to the many suffering in silence each and every day. Most people don't understand that psoriasis goes beyond the skin and affects the joints and organs. There needs to be more awareness about psoriasis, especially about the health impacts and comorbidities associated with the disease.
7. Congratulations on 10 years! What are your plans for 'Overcoming Psoriasis’ over the next 10?
I want to continue to provide safe communities and to give people with psoriasis a voice. Until there is a cure, I will not rest. God Bless the psoriasis community!